Q -What are intrinsic stains?
A -Intrinsic stains – Stains beneath the tooth enamel are known as intrinsic stains. This type of staining is commonly cause by: Aging, Defects within the tooth, use of certain antibiotics during tooth development, and smoking. Also, your diet can affect the brightness of your smile. The following foods and beverages often cause tooth stains: tobacco, coffee, tea, red wine, colored juices, curry, soy, cola drinks, minerals in well water.

Q -Are there any other ways to whiten my smile?
A -The easiest ,fastest and best tasting way to put the white back in your smile is monitored tray whitening.

Q -What is monitored whitening?
A -A diagnosis should always be performed prior to whitening your teeth. You need to be educated on the possible problems associated with the whitening process.

Q -Is the whitening process consistent?
A -Occasionally, too much whitening can cause some teeth to go translucent, causing the teeth to appear darker. This can also cause metal fillings to show through more. We can help to ensure that you don’t over whiten and that you achieve the smile you want.

Q -Where can I learn more about dental care?
A -Many of the questions and answers in this section have been provided by Crest. For more information on dental care, please contact

Q -Is there in-expensive whitening technology that gives you noticeably whiter teeth?
A -Crest Whitestrips contain hydrogen peroxide, which gets at stains beneath the tooth surface. They are thin, clear, flexible strips adhere directly to teeth. Just 30 minutes, twice a day for 3 weeks.

Q -What causes tooth sensitivity?
A -In healthy teeth, porous tissue called dentin is protected by your gums and by your teeth’s hard enamel shell. Microscopic holes in the dentin, called tubules, connect to the nerve, triggering pain when irritated by certain foods and beverages.

Q -How can I treat tooth sensitivity?
A -Depending on the diagnosis, your dentist may recommend one or more of the following treatments to relieve the symptoms of sensitive teeth: A soft-bristle toothbrush, or a powered brush to protect the gums - a study has shown that a powered brush, like Crest SpinBrush can be as gentle as a manual toothbrush, A fluoride rinse or gel for sensitive teeth, prescribed by your dentist, A desensitizing toothpaste, like Crest Sensitivity Protection.

Q -What are secondary cavities?
A -A secondary cavity results from decay that forms where the filling meets the tooth. Studies show that secondary cavities are the main reason filling need to be replaced.

Q -How can I prevent secondary cavities?
A -See your dentist - it is important to visit your dentist regularly and follow the schedule he or she recommends. Only your dentist can carefully examine all of your fillings early enough to prevent small problems from becoming big problems. Begin at home – good oral habits at home are a must. Brushing and flossing daily are essential to remove plaque accumulations. Using a fluoride toothpaste like Crest helps rebuild the enamel that has been weakened by bacterial acid from plaque.

Q -How can I stop the spread of gum disease?
A -Did you know that periodontal disease is a major cause of tooth loss in adults? Early and moderate periodontal disease may exhibit few, if any, symptoms. However, warning sign of advance periodontal disease may include red, swollen or bleeding gums; persistent bad breath; permanent teeth that are loose or separating; or changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite. There are many stages and forms of periodontal disease, including: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis.

Q -How can periodontal disease be checked?
A -During each routine checkup, your dentist will examine you for periodontal disease. A periodontal probe is used to determine if there is any breakdown in the gum tissue attachment or if pockets have developed between your gums and teeth.

Q -How can I reduce plaque and tartar buildup?
A -Plaque is a sticky colorless deposit of bacteria that is constantly forming on the tooth surface. Saliva, food, and fluids combine to produce these deposits that collect on teeth and where teeth and gums meet. The buildup of plaque can trap stains on the teeth, and it is also the primary factor in periodontal (gum) disease. Fighting plaque is a life-long part of good oral care. Plaque begins forming on teeth 4-12 hours after brushing, which is why it is important to brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Tartar, also called calculus, is a crusty deposit that can trap stains on the teeth and cause discoloration. It creates a strong bond that can only be removed by a dental professional. Tartar formation may also make it more difficult to remove new plaque and bacteria. Individuals vary greatly in their susceptibility to plaque and tartar. For many of us, these deposits build up faster as we age.

Q -How can I understand calculus?
A -Calcium and phosphate bind to form crystals on the teeth. These calcium phosphate crystals eventually harden within the plaque, forming calculus. Certain types of chemicals called pyrophosphates help to decrease calculus build-up by stopping the growth of crystals on the tooth surface and preventing new crystals from forming.

Q -Will pregnancy affect my oral health?
A -Expectant mothers (and women who take some oral contraceptives) experience elevated levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This causes the gums to react differently to the bacteria found in plaque, and in many cases can cause a condition known as

Q -What are "pregnancy tumors?"
A -Pregnancy tumors (pyogenic granuloma) are rare, usually painless lesions that may develop on your gums in response to plaque. Although they are not cancerous, they should be treated. Pregnancy tumors usually subside shortly after childbirth.

Q -Could gingivitis affect my baby's health?
A -New research suggests a link between pre-term, low birth weight babies and gingivitis. Excessive bacteria, which causes gingivitis, can enter the bloodstream through your mouth (gums). If this happens, the bacteria can travel to the uterus, triggering the production of chemicals called "prostaglandins," which are suspected to induce premature labor.

Q -Should I receive dental treatment while I'm pregnant?
A -Good oral health care is vital during your pregnancy. Continue with your regular dental cleaning and check-ups to avoid oral infections that can affect the fetus, such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. Dentists recommend that major dental treatments that aren't urgent be postponed until after your child is born. The first trimester, the stage of pregnancy in which most of the baby's organs are formed, is the most crucial to your baby's development, so it is best to have procedures performed during the second trimester to minimize any potential risk.

Q -If I do need treatment, what drugs are safe?
A -Be extremely cautious of all drugs during pregnancy. If you have gingivitis or perio-dontal disease, your dentist may want to treat you more often to achieve healthy gums and a healthy baby. Although dental anesthetics such as novocaine or lidocaine can enter the placenta, which filters out most drugs, the doses used in most dental procedures are considered safe. If you need to have dental work done during your pregnancy, research has shown that some acceptable antibiotics include penicillin, amoxicillin, and clindamycin, but avoid tetracycline, which can cause discoloration of your child's temporary and permanent teeth. Products containing acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, are approved, but you should be wary of other over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Avoid using narcotics for dental pain until your child is carried to term.

Q -Who can I talk to about treatment during pregnancy?
A -If you have any concerns about treatment or medications, make sure to ask your dentist or physician before receiving treatment. Most dental procedures are safe during pregnancy. Remember, the healthier your mouth is, the healthier and happier your pregnancy and baby will be.

Q -Where can I find more information about dentistry?
A -Many of the questions and answers in this section have been provided by the Academy of General Dentistry. Visit for more information.





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